Tuesday, January 23, 2007



any anime fans out there . losaahead has a ton of new anime series posted . http://www.losaahead.com/

Saturday, January 20, 2007


Ive added a meebo chat box to the bottom of the page . Youll never guess where i found it .

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

2007 im Here where are you

Well 2007 im here now where the hell are you .

Anyone else have that feeling of ya its 2007 woohoo who cares . Its strange but the changing of the year really is kinda blah this year . Its about as interesting as daylight savings for some reason this year .

2006 --
1. No wall tv wallpaper thats cheap
2. Cell phones got music and tv
3. Still no decent cheap handheld tv
4. Hand held projector tv has yet to be made ???
5. MP3s are still being ripped and burned but now the music world just ignores it . (i think they are realizing its a pointless fight )
6. Still no MP3 cd releases
7. War
8. TV/videogames blamed for rise in violence
9. TV/porn/videogames blamed for a fall in violence during certain times of the day (also rape is down )
10. Housing market tanks
11. Still no cheap houses ??
12. Scifi tv kinda sucks this year
13. Superheros make a come back .
14. Theaters complain about lack of profits
15. Theaters raise prices again .
16. Where is all this money going ?
17. Porn is become excepted
18. Boobs still shock old ladies
20. Gas is still going up in price

Things i want to see in 2007
1. full wall tvs (maybe a lcd wallpaper )
2. Wrist watch tv projector
3. cheap cars
4. cheap houses
5. free beer
6. computer that plugs into my brain
7. a decent hand held tv/computer/everything else i want that gives a decent picture and compact case
8. Clone a girlfriend ( cheap/brainwashed )
9. Full VR with wireless brain connection
10. I know theres more but i cant think of anything else