Sunday, February 18, 2007


So lately i've noticed a switch to a all google web . Its strange . First it was search engines then its a gmail thing (I've avoided this so far ) then meld of my blogger account into google blogger( haven't avoided this ). Got to wonder how long it will be before its a all google internet . Whats next Gporn , Gwow , and Gebay maybe the grand daddy of them all GMicrosoft ? I know apple is trying this to but i don't believe they have the power to pull it off fully . They have similar problems to Microsoft trying to do it . This intrusion into a all google is crafty . Slowly take over popular sites and things that ppl use everyday and then brand it with a google account log in . Then we have google sense . Another way to indoctrinate millions into the google world . We'll give you money to have google ads on your site . (ya real money right ) I doubt Ill ever see google ad sense money . Yet google will make tons on my browsing and blogging habits . Funny .

Anyone thats has any thing to add drop a comment .