Thursday, June 14, 2012

4 session

DnD game 4 - Good session still not a group but it was good session .

The assassin was much better this game I would call him the MVP right ahead of the kender ranger who keep us untrapped in the magnet trap . The not so cool stuff basic ive deiced its the place where playing and the group mix that is causing problems . We got a 12yr 18-20 something and 3 25+ players . The 3 older player me include in that are not meta gaming to point . Sometimes i feel im running both my fighter and the assassin/thief since it consist hey remember trap roll not grab shinny thing . I think i said 5
time to check for traps and what not as we played or stealth your self . The dm sat the assassin next to him self so he got nerfed and machinic fixed the whole session :)  The 12yr old just cant focus unless there is combat and he his doing great but between him and the assassin they pulled off the insane move of the night .

We ran into a room we couldnt take easily monster wise . Our senior range player came up with a plan to send in the assassin dressed as a gobo since he was a gobo and create confusion between the kolbolds . It was a insane plan but it was the kender rangers instance to gather the crap leather worthless armor that no long term gamer would take .  So dressing the assassin in gobo monster rags and we sent him in with a confusion plan it was just great . Almost no player assassin would go this but some how it happened . In the end we only had to attack the big boss and not the peons . It was funny as hell and he pulled off the insane bluff roll .

It felt more like dnd today then ever before . And it was the thinking outside the box that made it so . Its possible we just need to play together more but im still not convinced dnd 4th ed really can handle it . We will see next week when we try to take on the Basilisk if the gm lets use think outside the bot or not . I got a insane plan to bag the head of the basilisk with rope and a blanket or two . so its just combat we are dealing with on that beasty . It may get one of us but if we go all out burning all major powers it should be interesting to see if we can do it . 

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